Hey there, friends…

It’s been a while, hasn’t it?

From the time of my last post, to now, thing’s have changed quite drastically. I’ve returned to work, am trying to find a balance between home life, business, career, husband life and a 15 month old busy boy. I haven’t quite gotten it yet.

C has started daycare, and seems to love it! He’s learnt so much already, it really does blow my mind how quickly they pick up little things. He’s a chatter box these past few days, so many mumbled stories! I have to say every month I can’t help but think that “this stage is the best one yet”! He’s at a really fun age.

SO why am I back? A few of my friends have recently gotten pregnant, or had their first baby. I’ve been told multiple times in the last few months that my raw, very real, advice is something they just weren’t getting from their girlfriends. Whether it was on topics like labour and delivery, breastfeeding, packing a hospital bag, whatever it is, I think its so vitally important to give them the real details, what is going to be the hardest part, what helped me get through those days… I truly believe that you have to do what works for you, in the moment, and your plan of action may change 10 times in one day, but that’s ok! So I’m introducing a new angle to this blog…the honest momma. I’m the girl who’s going to tell you what most won’t, and we’re going to have a LOT of fun! You’ll hear about some of my own experiences, my opinions, my non-judgmental thoughts. All I ask, is that you keep your judgement far from here. I urge you to be open minded, to be willing to help other mommas when you can, in an honest and real way, without being jealous, or snobby, or any other negative nancy attitude.

So, are you having a baby? You may want to follow this blog…there is going to be a lot of information coming your way!


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